Mobile Solutions
How do you know if a specific stock item was actually placed in the correct storage location, or that a critical part was actually serviced / replaced at the correct point in time? How do you ensure accurate information and prevent errors due to manual data capture or lost paperwork? How do you ensure that your ERP system is updated in real-time with the correct information by an authorised user?
Our mobility solutions put you where the action is to deliver real-time automation of key transactions, while at the same time enforcing proper processes and controls.
d.Mobile Inventory / Warehouse Management
d.Mobile Inventory Management (d.Mobile IM) facilitates the full track and trace, movement and storage placement of materials within a warehouse; and processes the transactions associated with functions including goods receiving, stock transfers, delivery, put away (binning) and picking; all in real time in your ERP system.
d.Mobile Plant Maintenance & Inspections
d.Code Mobile Plant Maintenance enables SAP Plant Maintenance processes from mobile computers. Devices connect wirelessly to SAP where connectivity is available, but important job and master data is also cached on the device for offline access.
d.Mobile Laboratory Information Management System
Capture registration of new Geological samples, process it through various lab tests and capture the results thereof, and mark those samples for disposal through storage clean-up functions.
d.Mobile Vehicle Management System
Full featured SAP VMS solution. Used to process all vehicle data in the logistics environment.
New d.Mobile Asset Auditor
With the d.Mobile Asset Auditing solution directly integrated to SAP, IT personnel (or any employee with access to the mobile asset scanning equipment) can quickly and easily identify assets, simply by scanning the asset barcodes.
New Count My Stock
Count My Stock is a mobile application for Motorola Android devices. It caters for users of CSV, SAP and Sage Pastel. It augments the stock count process, streamlines the operational aspect of the stock take and increases the financial accuracy of the results. It saves time and money, both in manpower and reduction in onsite shrinkage.